Nibble On Bytes is a research-driven engineering firm made to help you dethrone *your* competition. Specializing in slashing gas usage, securing smart contracts, and reverse engineering bytecode.
- Reverse Engineering
- Receive a detailed report on any smart contract's bytecode explaining what the developer has written. Targeted audience: MEV teams and protocols.
- Auditing
- Secure all your smart contracts written in Solidity, Yul, Assembly, and Huff, by renowned veterans in the space.
- Optimization
- Eliminate gas inefficiencies in your smart contracts, saving you and your customers unnecessary money on fees.
- Huff/Bytecode Expertise
- Have your contract converted to Huff/bytecode and audited for *maximum* gas efficiency.
- Consultancy
- Escape the devastating space of blockchain technology by combining your efforts with veteran smart contract engineers.
- SOON: Formal Verification
- Our blackhat inspired cutting-edge tool is capable of discovering *critical* vulnerabilities, gas inefficiencies and producing reports.

Technical Founder